The Friends of the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden Port Augusta, Incorporated
NEWS RELEASE: 14-07-1997
John Zwar
Ph (08) 867 0324 ah
Gwen Leane
Ph (08) 8643 6191
Alison Daw
Ph (08) 8642 2748 ah.
Bernie Haase
Ph (08) 8641 1443 ah
Ph (08) 8641 1049 w
Saturday July 26th at 2.OO pm,
Civic Centre Port Augusta - upstairs meeting room (disabled access available). Corner of Mackay and Marryatt Streets, opposite Gladstone Square in the city centre. Parking available.GUEST SPEAKERS
Rod and Helen Martin will be speaking and showing film of the Malleefowl research Project in which they have been involved, the Martin Heritage Agreement Malleefowl Grid, near Cowell. We have looked forward to this presentation for some time, so come along and learn more about this fascinating threatened species, which is so dependant on the native vegetation of arid and semi arid regions. An invitation is extended to all Friends and others interested to attend this meeting. It is appreciated that for reasons of distance many Friends cannot attend meetings at Port Augusta, but it is always a pleasure to see visitors who have travelled from other areas. The President's and Treasurers annual reports will be presented and elections of officers will be held. Treasurer Allan Murphy intends to step down after several years of dedicated service in this role, for which we extend sincere thanks. Afternoon tea will follow and a plate of food to share would be appreciated.
If you wish to see the Garden before the meeting, drive into the main entrance of the Stuart Highway, approx. 1.5 km north of the junction with the Eyre Highway at Port Augusta West. Follow the entrance road into the Garden (about 1.2 km). Allow sufficient time for an unhurried inspection of the Garden and enjoy a light lunch in The Bluebush Café.
Many members have renewed subscriptions in recent months which is greatly appreciated. Subs are actually due in July, so if you have not renewed, now is the time to do so. Many members have included donations with their subscriptions and these are greatly appreciated also. Unless requested urgently, receipts will be forwarded with the next newsletter sent to save on postage.
Cathy Phipps, Director of the Environmental Health Centre and Lead Abatement Programme at Port Pirie spoke on Living with the Worlds Largest Lead Smelter and detailed the wide ranging and varied role of her organisation. The role of plants in suppressing dust under difficult saline conditions was of particular interest.
Plaques are to be placed on outdoor redgum seats and tables donated by Friends acknowledging donations.
A long awaited copy of the out of print book Flora of Central Australia has been received from a rare book dealer in Geelong and will be presented to Bernie Haase. He has made considerable use of a borrowed copy at the Garden.
Small commemorative plaques to acknowledge the planting of two Callitris glaucophylla "Native Pines" beside the entrance road to the Boardwalk Lookout are being investigated. These were the first trees planted at the AALBG a Friends AGM in the mid 1 980s.
The Friends have agreed to purchase a computer for Secretary Gwen Leane.
Surplus plants propagated by Friends volunteers, not needed in the Garden may be sold occasionally from a box outside the Visitor Reception Centre as a fund raiser for the Friends.
It was agreed not to proceed with a 1997 Coast Care fund grant application as it is too big a project for Friends volunteers to handle.
Vice President, Morry Vile is to convene a stall and informative display at the Arid Land Growers' Fair to be held at Gladstone Square, Port Augusta on 9.8.1997.
The next meetings will be held in September and November, dates to be arranged around the availability of guest speakers.
A Christmas Dinner will be held following the November meeting.
It is some years since the AALBG has received any government funding, despite state and federal governments both supporting the Garden. Friends who can spare the time are urged to write to appropriate members of parliament, both state and federal, pointing cut the need for continuing funding and support for our new Garden and asking for their stance on the AALBG. Write to the Premier, Prime Minister, state and federal Environment Ministers, and their opposites in opposition. Letters to "The Advertiser" in Adelaide and "The Australian" emphasising the need for development funds and continuing support for the AALBG are also encouraged. Every such letter will help maintain the profile of the AALBG so if you can help in this regard please do so.
Issued 14.7.1997 by John Zwar, President, The Friends of the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden, Port Augusta Inc., PO Box 2040, Port Augusta SA 5700, Ph (08) 8671 0324 ah. Fax C/- (08) 8671 0179
© The Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden