List of species planted on the site
compiled by B. Haase
Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden
This list is currently being revised. Following this revision, families will be listed in accordance with the Cronquist system used by the Flora of Australia.
CUPRESSACEAE | Callitris glaucophylla | (White cypress pine) |
Callitris verrucosa | (Mallee cypress pine) | |
CASUARINACEAE | Allocasuarina decaisneana | (Desert oak) |
Allocasuarina helmsii | - | |
Allocasuarina muelleriana ssp. muelleriana | ( Slaty sheoak) | |
Allocasuarina verticillata | (Drooping sheoak) | |
Casuarina pauper | (Black oak) | |
Casuarina acutivalvis | - | |
PROTEACEAE | Banksia ashbyi | (Ashbys banksia) |
Banksia benthamiana | - | |
Banksia elderiana | (Swordfish banksia) | |
Banksia lullfitzii | - | |
Banksia media | (Golden stalk) | |
Banksia sceptrum | (Sceptre banksia) | |
Banksia speciosa | (Showy banksia) | |
Banksia victoriae | (Woolly orange banksia) | |
Grevillea anethifolia | - | |
Grevillea juncifolia | (Honey suckle spider flower) | |
Grevillea nematophylla | (Water bush) | |
Grevillea parallelinervis | - | |
Grevillea striata | (Beef wood) | |
Grevillea treueriana | - | |
Grevillea wickhamii | (Holly grevillea) | |
Hakea divaricata | (Cork bark tree) | |
Hakea eyreana | (Straggly corkbark) | |
Hakea francisiana | (Grass leaved hakea) | |
Hakea leucoptera | (Needle hakea) | |
Hakea minyma | — | |
Hakea suberea | (Cork bark) | |
SANTALACEAE | Exocarpos aphyllus | (Leafless ballart) |
Santalum acuminatum | (Quandong) | |
Santalum lanceolatum | (Plumbush) | |
Santalum spicatum | (Sandalwood) | |
GYROSTEMONACEAE | Codonocarpus cotinifolius | (Native poplar) |
NYCTAGINACEAE | Commicarpus australis | (Perennial tar vine) |
AIZOACEAE | Gunniopsis quadrifida | (Sturts pigface) |
PORTULACACEAE | Anacampseros australiana | - |
Calandrinia balonensis | (Broad leaved parakeelya) | |
Calandrinia ptychosperma | (Creeping parakeelya) | |
Calandrinia remota | (Round leaved parakeelya) | |
CHENOPODIACEAE | Atriplex amnicola | (Swamp saltbush) |
Atriplex cinerea | (Coast saltbush) | |
Atriplex lindleyi ssp. inflata | (Eastern flat top saltbush) | |
Atriplex nummularia ssp. nummularia | (Old man saltbush) | |
Atriplex semibaccata | (Berry saltbush) | |
Atriplex stipitata | (Bitter saltbush) | |
Chenopodium curvispicatum | (Cottony saltbush) | |
Chenopodium nitrariaceum | (Nitre goosefoot) | |
Einadia nutans ssp. eremaea | (Climbing saltbush) | |
Einadia nutans ssp. nutans | (Climbing saltbush) | |
Einadia nutans ssp. oxycarpa | (Climbing saltbush) | |
Halosarcia halocnemoides ssp. halocnemoides | (Grey samphire) | |
Maireana aphylla | (Cotton bush) | |
Maireana astrotricha | (Low bluebush) | |
Maireana georgei | (Satiny bluebush) | |
Maireana sedifolia | (Pearl bluebush) | |
Maireana trichoptera | (Pink seeded bluebush) | |
Maireana triptera | (Three wing bluebush) | |
Maireana oppositifolia | (Heathy bluebush) | |
Pachycornia triandra | (Desert glasswort) | |
Rhagodia crassifolia | (Fleshy saltbush) | |
Rhagodia parabolica | (Fragrant saltbush) | |
Rhagodia preissii ssp. preissii | - | |
Rhagodia spinescens | (Spiny saltbush) | |
Sclerolaena divaricata | (Pale poverty bush) | |
Sclerolaena ventricosa | (Salt copperburr) | |
AMARANTHACEAE | Ptilotus exaltatus var. exaltatus | (Pink mulla mulla) |
Ptilotus nobilis var. nobilis | (Regal foxtails) | |
Ptilotus obovatus var. obovatus | (Silver tails) | |
Ptilotus parvifolius var. parvifolius | - | |
Ptilotus polystachyus var. polystachyus | (Long tails) | |
Ptilotus spathulatus forma spathulatus | (Pussy tails) | |
RANUNCULACEAE | Clematis microphylla | (Small leaved clematis) |
DILLENIACEAE | Hibbertia sp. | - |
CAPPARACEAE | Capparis mitchellii | (Native orange) |
Capparis spinosa var. nummularia | (Wild passion fruit) | |
CRUCIFERAE | Arabidella trisecta | (Shrubby cress) |
PITTOSPORACEAE | Billardiera cymosa | (Sweet apple berry) |
Bursaria spinosa | (Sweet bursaria) | |
Pittosporum phylliraeoides var. microcarpa | (Native apricot) | |
LEGUMINOSAE | Acacia acuminata | (Fine leaf jam) |
Acacia adsurgens | - | |
Acacia anceps | (Port Lincoln wattle) | |
Acacia aneura var. aneura | (Mulga) | |
Acacia araneosa | (Spidery wattle) | |
Acacia araneosa x rivalis | - | |
Acacia argyrophylla | (Silver mulga) | |
Acacia ayersiana var. latifolia | (Broad leaf mulga) | |
Acacia beckleri | (Barrier range wattle) | |
Acacia burkittii | (Burkitts wattle) | |
Acacia calamifolia | (Wallowa) | |
Acacia carnei | (Needle wattle) | |
Acacia cibaria | (Turpentine mulga) | |
Acacia colletioides | (Wait a while) | |
Acacia continua | (Thorn wattle) | |
Acacia cowleana | - | |
Acacia craspedocarpa | (Hop mulga) | |
Acacia cyclops | (Western coastal wattle) | |
Acacia cyperophylla | (Red mulga) | |
Acacia dictyophleba | - | |
Acacia farnesiana | (Sweet acacia) | |
Acacia estrophiolata | (Ironwood) | |
Acacia georginae | (Georgina gidgea) | |
Acacia grasbyi | (Miniritchie) | |
Acacia hakeoides | (Hakea wattle) | |
Acacia hemiteles | (Tan wattle) | |
Acacia inaequilatera | (Kanji bush) | |
Acacia iteaphylla | (Flinders range wattle) | |
Acacia jennerae | (Coonavittra wattle) | |
Acacia kempeana | (Witchetty bush) | |
Acacia linophylla | (Bowgada) | |
Acacia ligulata | (Sandhill wattle) | |
Acacia loderi | (Nealie) | |
Acacia maitlandii | (Maitlands wattle) | |
Acacia merrallii | (Merralls wattle) | |
Acacia murrayana | (Murrays wattle) | |
Acacia notabilis | (Notable wattle) | |
Acacia nyssophylla | - | |
Acacia oswaldii | (Umbrella wattle) | |
Acacia papyrocarpa | (Western myall) | |
Acacia paradoxa | (Kangaroo thorn) | |
Acacia paraneura | - | |
Acacia peuce | (Waddy wood) | |
Acacia prainii | (Prains wattle) | |
Acacia pycnantha | (Golden wattle) | |
Acacia quadrimarginea | (Granite wattle) | |
Acacia quornensis | (Quorn wattle) | |
Acacia ramulosa | (Horse mulga) | |
Acacia rhodophloia | (Minni ritchi) | |
Acacia rigens | (Nealie) | |
Acacia rivalis | (Silver wattle) | |
Acacia rossei | - | |
Acacia salicina | (Broughton willow) | |
Acacia sclerosperma | (Limestone wattle) | |
Acacia stenophylla | (River cooba) | |
Acacia tarculensis | (Steel bush) | |
Acacia tetragonophylla | (Dead finish) | |
Acacia validinervia | - | |
Acacia victoriae ssp. victoriae | (Elegant wattle) | |
Acacia xiphophylla | (Snake wood) | |
Crotalaria cunninghamii | (Regal birdflower) | |
Crotalaria eremaea | (Bluebush pea) | |
Crotalaria eremaea ssp. eremaea | (Loose flowered rattlepod) | |
Crotalaria novae-hollandiae | (Bird flower) | |
Daviesia brevifolia | (Leafless bitter pea) | |
Daviesia genistifolia | (Broom bitter pea) | |
Erythrina vespertilio | (Bats wing coral tree) | |
Indigofera australis var. australis | (Austral indigo) | |
Indigofera helmsii | - | |
Indigofera linifolia | - | |
Kennedia prorepens | - | |
Lotus australis | (Australian trefoil) | |
Lotus cruentus | (Red flower lotus) | |
Lysiphyllum gilvum | (Bean tree) | |
Neptunia dimorphantha | - | |
Petalostylis labicheoides | (Butterfly bush) | |
Psoralea australasica | (Native verbine) | |
Rhynchosia minima | (Rhynchosia) | |
Senna artemisioides ssp. artemisioides | (Silver cassia) | |
Senna artemisioides ssp. coriacea | (Desert cassia) | |
Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia | (Punty bush) | |
Senna artemisioides ssp. helmsii | (Blunt leaved cassia) | |
Senna artemisioides ssp. oligophylla | (Limestone cassia) | |
Senna artemisioides ssp. petiolaris | (Cassia bush) | |
Senna artemisioides ssp. sturtii | (Dense cassia) | |
Senna barclayana | (Pepper leaf senna) | |
Senna cardiosperma | - | |
Senna chatelainiana | (Green cassia) | |
Senna glutinosa ssp. luerssenii | (White cassia) | |
Senna glutinosa ssp. pruinosa | (White cassia) | |
Senna planitiicola | (Yellow pea) | |
Senna pleurocarpa | (Smooth cassia) | |
Senna notabilis | - | |
Swainsona canescens var. horniana | - | |
Swainsona formosa | (Sturts desert pea) | |
Swainsona greyana ssp. greyana | (Darling pea) | |
Swainsona stipularis | (Orange Darling pea) | |
Templetonia battii | - | |
Templetonia egena | (Desert broombush) | |
ZYGOPHYLLACEAE | Zygophyllum apiculatum | (Common twin leaf) |
EUPHORBIACEAE | Euphorbia tannensis ssp. eremophila | (Desert spurge) |
RUTACEAE | Boronia crenulata | - |
Eremocitrus glauca | (Desert lime) | |
Flindersia maculosa | (Leopard wood) | |
Geijera linearifolia | (Sheep bush) | |
Geijera parviflora | (Wilga) | |
SAPINDACEAE | Alectryon oleifolius ssp. canescens | (Bullock bush) |
Atalaya hemiglauca | (White wood) | |
Dodonaea bursariifolia | (Small hop bush) | |
Dodonaea baueri | (Crinkled hop bush) | |
Dodonaea lobulata | (Lobed leaf hop bush) | |
Dodonaea microzyga var. microzyga | (Brilliant hop bush) | |
Dodonaea stenozyga | (Desert hop bush) | |
Dodonaea viscosa ssp. angustissima | (Narrow leaved hop bush) | |
Dodonaea viscosa ssp. mucronata | (Sticky hop bush) | |
Dodonaea viscosa ssp. spatulata | (Sticky hop bush) | |
MALVACEAE | Abutilon fraseri | (Dwarf lantern flower) |
Abutilon leucopetalum | (Desert chinese lantern) | |
Abutilon otocarpum | (Desert lantern) | |
Alyogyne huegelii | (Lilac hibiscus) | |
Gossypium sturtianum | (Sturts desert rose) | |
Hibiscus krichauffianus | (Velvet leaved hibiscus) | |
Lavatera plebeia | (Australian hollyhock) | |
Radyera farragei | (Desert mallow) | |
Sida petrophila | (Tall sida) | |
STERCULIACEAE | Brachychiton gregorii | (Desert kurrajong) |
Guichenotia ledifolia | — | |
Guichenotia macrantha | (Large flowered guichenotia) | |
Keraudrenia integrifolia | (Common fire bush) | |
VIOLACEAE | Hybanthus aurantiacus | (Orange spade flower) |
FRANKENIACEAE | Frankenia pauciflora | (Common sea heath) |
Frankenia serpyllifolia | (Bristly sea heath) | |
CUCURBITACEAE | Cucumis melo | (Ulcardo melon) |
MYRTACEAE | Callistemon teretifolius | (Flinders Ranges bottlebrush) |
Calothamnus gilesii | - | |
Calothamnus quadrifidus | (One sided bottlebrush) | |
Calytrix tetragona | (Common fringe myrtle) | |
Corymbia aparrerinja | (Ghost gum) | |
Corymbia centralis | (Long fruited bloodwood) | |
Corymbia chippendalei | (Sand dune bloodwood) | |
Corymbia eremaea | (Hills bloodwood) | |
Corymbia opaca | (Desert bloodwood) | |
Eucalyptus brachycalyx | (Gilja) | |
Eucalyptus burracoppinensis | (Burra coppin mallee) | |
Eucalyptus calcareana | (Nundroo mallee) | |
Eucalyptus calycogona var. calycogona | (Square fruited mallee) | |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. obtusa | (River red gum) | |
Eucalyptus celastroides ssp. celastroides | (Snap & rattle) | |
Eucalyptus concinna | (Victoria Desert mallee) | |
Eucalyptus coolabah ssp. arida | (Coolabah) | |
Eucalyptus corrugata | (Rib fruited mallee) | |
Eucalyptus cyanophylla | (Blue leaved mallee) | |
Eucalyptus cylindrocarpa | - | |
Eucalyptus diversifolia | (Coastal white mallee) | |
Eucalyptus dumosa | (White mallee) | |
Eucalyptus dundasii | (Dundas blackbutt) | |
Eucalyptus eremophila ssp. eremophila | (Sand mallee) | |
Eucalyptus ewartiana | (Ewarts mallee) | |
Eucalyptus flavida | (Yellow flowered mallee) | |
Eucalyptus flocktoniae | (Merrit) | |
Eucalyptus formanii | - | |
Eucalyptus gamophylla | (Twin leaved mallee) | |
Eucalyptus gillii | (Curly mallee) | |
Eucalyptus gongylocarpa | (Marble gum) | |
Eucalyptus gracilis | (Yorrell) | |
Eucalyptus griffithsii | - | |
Eucalyptus grossa | — | |
Eucalyptus incrassata | (Ridge fruited mallee) | |
Eucalyptus intertexta | (Gum barked coolibah) | |
Eucalyptus kingsmillii ssp. alatissima | - | |
Eucalyptus kruseana | (Book leaf mallee) | |
Eucalyptus lansdowneana ssp lansdowneana | (Crimson mallee) | |
Eucalyptus largiflorens | (River box) | |
Eucalyptus leptophylla | (Narrow leaved red mallee) | |
Eucalyptus lesouefii | (Goldfields blackbutt) | |
Eucalyptus longicornis | (Red morrell) | |
Eucalyptus mannensis ssp. mannensis | (Mann Ranges mallee) | |
Eucalyptus melanoxylon | (Black morrel) | |
Eucalyptus odorata | (Peppermint box) | |
Eucalyptus oleosa | (Red mallee) | |
Eucalyptus orbifolia | - | |
Eucalyptus oxymitra | (Sharp capped mallee) | |
Eucalyptus pachyphylla | (Red bud mallee) | |
Eucalyptus oldfieldii | - | |
Eucalyptus petraea | (Granite rock box) | |
Eucalyptus pileata | (Capped mallee) | |
Eucalyptus pimpiniana | (Pimpin mallee) | |
Eucalyptus populnea | (Bimble box) | |
Eucalyptus porosa | (Mallee box) | |
Eucalyptus pterocarpa | - | |
Eucalyptus salicola | (Salt gum) | |
Eucalyptus salubris var. glauca | (Silver topped gimlet) | |
Eucalyptus socialis | (Red mallee) | |
Eucalyptus stricklandii | (Stricklands gum) | |
Eucalyptus torquata | (Coral gum) | |
Eucalyptus transcontinentalis | (Red wood) | |
Eucalyptus trivalvis | (Desert mallee) | |
Eucalyptus viridis | (Green mallee) | |
Eucalyptus websteriana | — | |
Eucalyptus websteriana ssp. norsmanica | — | |
Eucalyptus woodwardii | (Lemon flowered gum) | |
Eucalyptus wyolensis | (Wyola lake mallee) | |
Eucalyptus yalatensis | (Yalata mallee) | |
Eucalyptus youngiana | (Ooldea mallee) | |
Eucalyptus yumbarrana | (Yumbarra mallee) | |
Leptospermum coriaceum | (Green tea tree) | |
Melaleuca bracteata | (River tea tree) | |
Melaleuca coccinea | (Goldfields bottlebrush) | |
Melaleuca dissitiflora | - | |
Melaleuca eleutherostachya | (Hummock honey myrtle) | |
Melaleuca glaberrima | - | |
Melaleuca glomerata | (Desert paper bark) | |
Melaleuca lanceolata | (Black tea tree) | |
Melaleuca lasiandra | - | |
Melaleuca leiocarpa | (Pungent honey myrtle) | |
Melaleuca linariifolia var. trichostachya | (Narrow leaved honey myrtle) | |
Melaleuca macronychia | - | |
Melaleuca scabra | (Rough honey myrtle) | |
Melaleuca pauperiflora | (Boree) | |
Melaleuca uncinata | (Broom bush) | |
Micromyrtus flaviflora | (Yellow heath myrtle) | |
Thryptomene maisonneuvei | (Desert heath myrtle) | |
Thryptomene wittweri | - | |
OLEACEAE | Jasminum didymum ssp. lineare | (Native jasmine) |
APOCYNACEAE | Alyxia buxifolia | (Sea box) |
ASCLEPIADACEAE | Cynanchum floribundum | (Desert cynanchum) |
Marsdenia australis | (Native pear) | |
Sarcostemma viminale ssp. australe | (Caustic vine) | |
BORAGINACEAE | Halgania andromedifolia | (Lavender halgania) |
Halgania cyanea | (Rough halgania) | |
Halgania erecta | - | |
CHLOANTHACEAE | Newcastelia spodiotricha | - |
LABIATAE | Ajuga australis form A | (Australian bugle) |
Mentha australis | (River mint) | |
Plectranthus intraterraneus | (Cock Spur flower) | |
Prostanthera aspalathoides | (Scarlet mint bush) | |
Prostanthera florifera | - | |
Prostanthera magnifica | - | |
Prostanthera sericea | — | |
Prostanthera striatiflora | (Jockeys cap) | |
Teucrium corymbosum | (Forest germander) | |
Teucrium racemosum | (Grey germander) | |
Westringia rigida | (Stiff westringia) | |
Wrixonia schultzii | - | |
SOLANACEAE | Lycium australe | (Australian boxthorn) |
Solanum chenopodinum | (Goosefoot potato bush) | |
Solanum ellipticum | (Velvet potato bush) | |
Solanum lasiophyllum | (Flannel bush) | |
Solanum simile | (Kangaroo apple) | |
Solanum sturtianum | (Sturts nightshade) | |
SCROPHULARIACEAE | Derwentia decorosa | - |
Mimulus repens | (Creeping monkey flower) | |
Stemodia florulenta | (Blue rod) | |
BIGNONIACEAE | Pandorea pandorana | (Spear wood) |
ACANTHACEAE | Dipteracanthus australasicus ssp. australasicus | - |
Rostellularia adscendens | (Pink tongues) | |
Sarojusticia kempeana | - | |
MYOPORACEAE | Beyeria lechenaultii | (Pale turpentine bush) |
Beyeria opaca | (Dark turpentine bush) | |
Eremophila abietina | - | |
Eremophila abietina var. ciliata | - | |
Eremophila acrida | - | |
Eremophila alternifolia | (Narrow leaved fuchsia bush) | |
Eremophila alternifolia (broad leaf) | - | |
Eremophila alternifolia x Myoporum platycarpum | — | |
Eremophila barbata | — | |
Eremophila battii | - | |
Eremophila behriana | (Rough emu bush) | |
Eremophila bignoniiflora | (Bignonia emu bush) | |
Eremophila bignoniiflora x polyclada | - | |
Eremophila biserrata | - | |
Eremophila bowmanii var. latifolia | (Velvet fuchsia bush) | |
Eremophila brevifolia | - | |
Eremophila caerulea | — | |
Eremophila caerulea ssp. merrallii | — | |
Eremophila calorhabdos | - | |
Eremophila chamaephila | - | |
Eremophila christophori | - | |
Eremophila clarkei | (Turpentine bush) | |
Eremophila compacta | (Felty fuchsia bush) | |
Eremophila complanata | - | |
Eremophila compressa | - | |
Eremophila crassifolia | (Thick leaved emu bush) | |
Eremophila crenulata | (Waxy leaf poverty bush) | |
Eremophila dalyana | - | |
Eremophila debilis | (Amulla) | |
Eremophila decipiens (fine leaf) | - | |
Eremophila decipiens (grey leaf) | - | |
Eremophila decussata | - | |
Eremophila dempsteri | - | |
Eremophila densifolia | - | |
Eremophila denticulata | - | |
Eremophila deserti | (Turkey bush) | |
Eremophila dichroantha | - | |
Eremophila divaricata | (Spreading emu bush) | |
Eremophila divaricata x polyclada | - | |
Eremophila drummondii | - | |
Eremophila drummondii var. brevis | - | |
Eremophila duttonii | (Harlequin fuchsia bush) | |
Eremophila duttonii x maculata | — | |
Eremophila eriocalyx | - | |
Eremophila foliosissima | - | |
Eremophila fraseri | (Turpentine bush) | |
Eremophila freelingii | (Limestone fuchsia) | |
Eremophila georgei | - | |
Eremophila gibbifolia | (Coccid emu bush) | |
Eremophila gibbosa | — | |
Eremophila gibsonii | (Gibsons desert fuchsia) | |
Eremophila gilesii | (Green turkey bush) | |
Eremophila glabra | (Tar bush) | |
Eremophila glabra (CSR) | - | |
Eremophila glabra (fine leaf) | - | |
Eremophila glabra (green) | - | |
Eremophila glabra (grey leaf) | - | |
Eremophila glabra (grey leaf, prostrate) | - | |
Eremophila glabra (prostrate) | - | |
Eremophila glabra ssp. carnosa | - | |
Eremophila glandulifera | (Pink poverty bush) | |
Eremophila glenayle | — | |
Eremophila goodwinii | (Purple fuchsia bush) | |
Eremophila granitica | (Thin leaved poverty bush) | |
Eremophila hillii | (Hills emu bush) | |
Eremophila hughesii | - | |
Eremophila hygrophana | - | |
Eremophila inflata | - | |
Eremophila interstans | - | |
Eremophila ionantha | - | |
Eremophila laanii | - | |
Eremophila labrosa | - | |
Eremophila lachnocalyx | - | |
Eremophila lactea | - | |
Eremophila latrobei ssp. glabra | (Crimson turkey bush) | |
Eremophila lehmanniana | - | |
Eremophila linsmithii | - | |
Eremophila longifolia | (Weeping emu bush) | |
Eremophila macdonnellii | (MacDonnells desert fuchsia) | |
Eremophila macdonnellii (fine leaf) | - | |
Eremophila macdonnellii (green) | - | |
Eremophila macdonnellii (Simpson Desert) | - | |
Eremophila macgillivrayi | (Dog bush) | |
Eremophila mackinlayi | - | |
Eremophila maculata | (Spotted emu bush) | |
Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia | (Native fuchsia) | |
Eremophila malacoides | - | |
Eremophila metallicorum | - | |
Eremophila microtheca | - | |
Eremophila nivea | - | |
Eremophila nivea x drummondii | - | |
Eremophila oblonga | - | |
Eremophila oldfieldii (broad leaf) | (Pixie bush) | |
Eremophila oldfieldii var. angustifolia | (Pixie bush) | |
Eremophila oppositifolia var. oppositifolia | (Twin leaved emu bush) | |
Eremophila oppositifolia var. rubra | (Twin leaved emu bush) | |
Eremophila ovata | - | |
Eremophila pachomai | - | |
Eremophila paisleyi | - | |
Eremophila pantonii | - | |
Eremophila papillata | - | |
Eremophila parvifolia | - | |
Eremophila pentaptera | - | |
Eremophila phillipsii | - | |
Eremophila pinnatifida | - | |
Eremophila platycalyx | (Granite poverty bush) | |
Eremophila platythamnos | - | |
Eremophila polyclada | (Flowering lignum) | |
Eremophila praecox | - | |
Eremophila prostrata | - | |
Eremophila pterocarpa | (Silver poverty bush) | |
Eremophila punctata | — | |
Eremophila purpurascens | - | |
Eremophila pustulata | - | |
Eremophila racemosa | - | |
Eremophila recurva | - | |
Eremophila resinosa | - | |
Eremophila rhegos | - | |
Eremophila rotundifolia | — | |
Eremophila rugosa | - | |
Eremophila saligna | - | |
Eremophila santalina | - | |
Eremophila sargentii | - | |
Eremophila scoparia | (Broom emu bush) | |
Eremophila serpens | - | |
Eremophila serrulata | (Green fuchsia bush) | |
Eremophila simulans | — | |
Eremophila spathulata | ||
Eremophila spectabilis | (Showy poverty bush) | |
Eremophila spectabilis ssp. brevis | — | |
Eremophila spuria | ||
Eremophila stenophylla | - | |
Eremophila strongylophylla | - | |
Eremophila sturtii | (Turpentine bush) | |
Eremophila subfloccosa | - | |
Eremophila subfloccosa (grey leaf) | - | |
Eremophila subteretifolia | - | |
Eremophila ternifolia | - | |
Eremophila tetraptera | - | |
Eremophila tomentosa | - | |
Eremophila veneta | - | |
Eremophila veronica | - | |
Eremophila verticillata | - | |
Eremophila virens | - | |
Eremophila viscida | - | |
Eremophila weldii | (Purple emu bush) | |
Eremophila willsii | - | |
Eremophila youngii | - | |
Eremophila youngii ssp. lepidota | - | |
Myoporum brevipes | — | |
Myoporum insulare | (Common boobialla) | |
Myoporum montanum | (Native myrtle) | |
Myoporum platycarpum ssp. platycarpum | (Sugar wood) | |
CAMPANULACEAE | Isotoma petraea | (Rock isotome) |
Wahlenbergia communis | (Tufted bluebell) | |
Wahlenbergia luteola | - | |
Wahlenbergia stricta ssp. stricta | (Tall bluebell) | |
GOODENIACEAE | Brunonia australis | (Blue pin cushion) |
Dampiera rosmarinifolia | (Wild rosemary) | |
Goodenia varia | (Sticky goodenia) | |
Goodenia visicularis | - | |
Goodenia willisiana | (Mallee goodenia) | |
Scaevola basedowii | - | |
Scaevola collaris | (Fan flower) | |
Scaevola humilis | (Sandplain fan flower) | |
Scaevola parvifolia | (Camel weed) | |
Scaevola spinescens | (Spiny fan flower) | |
COMPOSITAE | Bracteantha bracteata | (Goldern everlasting) |
Brachycome ciliaris var. lanuginosa | (Variable daisy) | |
Brachycome melanocarpa | (Black seed daisy) | |
Calotis scabiosifolia | (Rough burr daisy) | |
Cassinia arcuata | (Chinese scrub) | |
Cassinia laevis | (Cough bush) | |
Centipeda cunninghamii | (Common sneeze weed) | |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum | (Common everlasting) | |
Craspedia globosa | (Drumsticks) | |
Cratystylis conocephala | (Bluebush daisy) | |
Erodiophyllum elderi | (Koonamore daisy) | |
Helichrysum leucopsideum | (Satin everlasting) | |
Minuria cunninghamii | (Bush minuria) | |
Minuria integerrima | (Smooth minuria) | |
Olearia brachyphylla | - | |
Olearia decurrens | (Clammy daisy bush) | |
Olearia floribunda var. floribunda | (Heath daisy bush) | |
Olearia lepidophylla | (Club moss daisy bush) | |
Olearia muelleri | (Muellers daisy bush) | |
Olearia pimeleoides ssp. pimeleoides | (Showy daisy bush) | |
Olearia ramulosa | (Twiggy daisy bush) | |
Ozothamnus diosmifolius | (Pill flower) | |
Polycalymma stuartii | (Poached egg daisy) | |
Pterocaulon sphacelatum | (Fruit salad plant) | |
Rhodanthe chlorocephala | (Western sunray) | |
Rhodanthe polygalifolia | (Brilliant sunray) | |
Senecio anethifolius | (Feathery groundsel) | |
Senecio gawlerensis | (Grey groundsel) | |
Senecio magnificus | (Showy groundsel) | |
Senecio megaglossus | - | |
Vittadinia cervicularis var. cervicularis | - | |
Vittadinia gracilis | (Woolly New Holland daisy) | |
Wedelia stirlingii | (Sunflower daisy) | |
LILIACEAE | Arthropodium strictum | (Chocolate lily) |
Dianella longifolia | (Pale flax lily) | |
Dianella revoluta | (Black anther flax lily) | |
Lomandra collina | (Pale mat rush) | |
Lomandra effusa | (Scented mat rush) | |
Lomandra leucocephala ssp. robusta | (Woolly mat rush) | |
Lomandra longifolia | (Spiny headed mat rush) | |
Lomandra multiflora ssp. dura | (Many flower mat rush) | |
Thysanotus baueri | (Mallee fringe lily) | |
Thysanotus patersonii | (Twining fringe lily) | |
Xanthorrhoea quadrangulata | (Yacca) | |
Xanthorrhoea thorntonii | (Desert grass tree) | |
AMARYLLIDACEAE | Calostemma purpureum | (Purple bells) |
Crinum flaccidum | (Darling lily) | |
COMMELINACEAE | Commelina cyanea | (Scurvy weed) |
GRAMINEAE | Chloris truncata | (Windmill grass) |
Cymbopogon ambiguus | (Scented grass) | |
Danthonia caespitosa | (White top) | |
Danthonia setacea var. setacea | (Bristly wallaby grass) | |
Dichanthium sericeum | (Silky blue grass) | |
Enneapogon nigricans | (Black heads) | |
Plectrachne melvillei | (Soft spinifex) | |
Stipa elegantissima | (Elegant spear grass) | |
Themeda triandra | (Kangaroo grass) | |
Triodia irritans | (Porcupine grass) | |
Triodia longiceps | (Buck spinifex) | |
Triodia pungens | (Soft spinifex) | |
Triodia scariosa ssp. scariosa | (Porcupine grass) | |
Zygochloa paradoxa | (Sandhill cane grass) | |
CYPERACEAE | Cyperus vaginatus | (Flat sedge) |