| Aim and Programme of the FestivalThings to do - Walk through the Botanic Garden and enjoy it at its best.
- Discover the energy and water saving techniques employed in the Garden and Visitor Centre.
- See the ARID exhibition of sculptures throughout the garden.
- Take a Free bus ride through the Garden with Nicole. Donations for The Friends welcome.
- Ask for help from members of The Friends who will be wearing Special T-Shirts.
- Master of Ceremonies Jo & Graham McGrath will help promote the activities, and sing some songs during the day.
- Native plant stalls
- Nellie Nursery
- Goodwinii Eremophila Nursery
- Hobby Nursery (formerly Pinery Nursery)
- Friends of the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden
- Gift stalls
- West Side Gifts
- Helen Cox, Port Neill, Spinifex and Sand Native plant jams and craft
- Craig Laws. Computer enhanced photographs of the natural environment
- Curdnatta Gallery
- Olive Oil tasting and sales
- Books for sale
- Field Guide to the Plants of Outback South Australia by Frank Kutsche and Brendan Lay, sold by Brendan Lay
- Dirt Roads and Desert Roses, a R.I.C.E. project, sold by Carolyn Morick
- Displays and demonstrations
- Miniature quilt display entitled Native Flora inside the Blue Bush Café/Interpretive Display area
- Bird Observers Group display in the Meeting Room
- Stan Cornish has a Mallee Fowl Display outside the Meeting Room
- PIRSA display in the Meeting Room
- Mrs June Matthew (artist) in the Eremophila Garden
- Cake decorators. Indoors near the Meeting Room
- Australian Plants Society. Outside if fine, in the Meeting Room if inclement weather
- Regina McKenzies Bush Tucker stall. Sales and demonstrations near the Plant Stalls.
- National Parks and Wildlife. Display in the Meeting Room
- Threatened Species Day. (7th September) Display in the Meeting Room
- Open Garden Scheme. Display in the Meeting Room
- Food and drinks
- Fabulous food in the popular Blue-Bush Café. Extra tables and chairs set up outside the Cafe
- Quandong pies, barbecue, hot dogs, chips, drinks, ice-cream. These foods will be sold by stallholders Tullochs of Quorn, Naval Cadets and Lions Club. You will find them at the Northern end of The Eremophila Garden.
- 10.15 a.m. Australian Plants Society talk in Meeting Room.
- 10.30 a.m. Frozzled - childrens storytelling (Follow Fran and Ros to their tent)
- 10.30 a.m. Sculpture and garden walking tour (Follow the signs)
- 10.45 a.m. Eyre Band to play at main stage.
- 11.00 a.m. Official Opening at main stage. Opening Ceremony includes Acknowledgement of original owners of the land.
Friends Secretary/Treasurer Mrs Geraldine Davis will introduce Mr John Zwar who will Open the Festival.
- 11.15 a.m. Eyre Band will play.
- 11.30 a.m. Sculpture and garden walking tour.
- 11.30 a.m. Expert Native plant panel. Please bring your questions about suitable native plants for your garden. Ask about How to prepare the soil, when and how to plant, when to prune etc
- 11.45 a.m. Ms Lorraine Edmunds will give a talk on the eradication of the Environmental weed Wheel Cactus in the Flinders Ranges. Her video and talk will be in the Meeting Room.
- 12.00 noon Eyre band to play at the main stage.
- ARID - Sculptural Exhibition
- * 12.30 p.m. Official opening of ARID (A Sculptural Collaboration) at the main stage.
- * Welcome to Country.
- * Alwyn McKenzie to speak about the contribution of the indigenous artists to the Exhibition.
- * Merilyn Kuchel will speak about the Open Garden Scheme.
- * Member for Grey Hon Mr Barry Wakelin MP to open ARID (A Sculptural Collaboration)
- 1.00 p.m. Sculpture and garden walking tour
- 1.00 - 1.30 p.m Acappella Group Desert Voices will sing
- 1.00 - 1.30 p.m. Frozzled (Childrens story-telling)
- 1.30 -2.00 p.m. Helen Cox to give a talk in the Meeting Room [She is a Sculptor and also has a stand at the Festival].
- 2.15 p.m. Merilyn Kuchel from The Open Garden scheme Adelaide will give a talk in the Meeting Room.
- 2.30 p.m. Sculpture and garden walking tour.
- 3.00 p.m. Gate prizes drawn.
Main Raffle drawn
- 4.00 p.m. Festival closed.
Last bus returns to The Fountain Gallery Car Park.
Aim of the Festival Promotion of Arid Land plants in home gardens as a means to save endangered species, and to promote the saving of water. To showcase arid plants as colourful alternatives for the home garden.
The Festival seeks to promote innovative ideas for home gardeners, landowners and those interested in the conservation of arid land species and land revegetation. Encourage native habitat preservation and expansion in the community and beyond. The Festival is aimed at being educational. The Festival is a means of showcasing the Garden in the spring when it is at its best. The Festival is looked upon as a promotion of the town of Port Augusta and its assets for tourism . The Festival also aims to foster interest in the further development of the Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden at Port Augusta, South Australia. At the Festival rare and endangered species can be viewed and learnt about. The Garden has a rich history of arid zone plantings going back more than twenty years. The biennial Eremophila Festival is an initiative of The Friends of The Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden, and is organised by Friends volunteers. Festival Brochure for Download (PDF-file, 126 KB) Coordinator Mrs. Chris Nayda 14 Hartley Street PORT AUGUSTA SA 5700 Ph/Fax: (08) 86 424684 |